

Friday, December 02, 2011

A Glimpse of Ence Christmas Giveaway

It's Christmas Season Again! It's a season to give and share so I wanted to share the spirit of Christmas by hosting a Christmas Giveaway. This will be my first ever blog giveaway! :) I am very happy and excited when I win in contests or raffles so I also want to share this happiness to someone this Christmas.

The prizes of this Giveaway are a Starbucks 2012 Planner and a 4oz bottle of honey from Clever Bee:)

The Starbucks Planner in Popular (my friends & I collected the stickers) =)

4 oz. Guaranteed Pure Honey 
(There are actually a lot of benefits of honey, I will post them here in my blog soon!)

Mechanics: (Mandatory)
1. Follow this blog through GFC Connect
2. Like Khyutee On Duty on Facebook
3. Like Clever Bee On Facebook
4. Like Toy Box On Facebook
5. Post this on your facebook wall publicly. "A Glimpse of Ence in partnership with @Khyutee On Duty & @Clever Bee is giving away a Starbucks 2012 Planner and a bottle of honey. @Friend1 @ Friend2 @Friend3" Share the love this Christmas and tag three of your friends in your post. (make sure to tag Khyutee On Duty and Clever Bee)

Additional Entries: (Optional)
6. Follow me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/#!/GlimpseOfEnce) [+1 entry]
7Follow Khyutee on Twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/JCnQT) [+1 entry]
8. Tweet about this giveaway: "Join @GlimpseOfEnce Christmas Giveaway and get a chance to win a Starbucks 2012 Planner. #EnceGiveaway http://encechua.blogspot.com/2011/12/glimpse-of-ence-christmas-giveaway.html" [+1 entry] 
9. Repost this giveaway on your blog. [+2 entries]

Don't forget to leave a comment on this post with the following info: (Mandatory)
Email Address
GFC Name
FB Name
Facebook Link 
Twitter Username (If you did steps 6 & 7)
Tweet Link (If you did step 8)
Reblog Link (If you did step 9)

This is open to Philippine residents only and will run until December 25, 2011 only.  
One lucky winner will be selected via random.org. Winner will be posted here and will be notified via email.

P.S. If you want to order honey, you can contact me or Clever Bee on Facebook.

Best of luck to everyone! <3


  1. Name: Crystal Lagman
    Email Address: crystalcruz1986@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: Crystal Cruz
    FB Name: Crystal Cruz
    Twitter Username: @crystahal
    Tweet Link:https://twitter.com/#!/crystahal/status/142892057164390401

  2. Name : Min Viloria
    Email Address: r_mviloria@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: Min Viloria
    FB Name: Min Viloria
    Facebook Link : http://www.facebook.com/fiestapasta?sk=wall#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=2244320713041&id=1398836532
    Twitter Username : renaeh28
    Tweet Link : https://twitter.com/#!/renaeh28/status/143026189911592960

  3. Name: Ma. Elinor Semira
    Email Address: elinorsemira0124(at)gmail(dot)com
    GFC Name: Elinor Semira
    FB Name: Ma Elinor Semira
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=118652571583933&id=100003175719528
    Twitter Username: mhoie1325
    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/mhoie1325/status/143212817716224001
    Reblog Link: http://mhoie1325.blogspot.com/2011/12/glimpse-of-ence-glimpse-of-ence.html

  4. Name: Ong Czarina Erica
    Email Address: miss_bisckt2002@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: czarina Erica Ong
    FB Name: Czarina Ong
    Facebook Link :http://www.facebook.com/czarina3/posts/10150407013788650
    Twitter Username : @czarina_erica
    Tweet Link: http://twitter.com/#!/czarina_erica/status/143212775039188992
    Reblog Link:http://chacharing.blogspot.com/2011/12/glimpse-of-ence-christmas-giveaway.html

    Email Address: senomarj@gmail.com
    GFC Name: jay
    FB Name: Jhay Ramones
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/jhayramones/posts/332884900060359
    Twitter Username: @jayramones
    Tweet Link : http://twitter.com/#!/jayramones/status/143302666301358080

  6. Name: Mae Anne Alvina
    Email Address: maeannealvina@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: Mae Anne Alvina
    FB Name: Mae Anne Alvina
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/maeanne.alvina/posts/2729758441056
    Twitter Username: maeanne_alvina
    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/maeanne_alvina/status/143623347387891712

  7. Name : Melanie Abuel

    Email Address :ehmmjhey@yahoo.com

    GFC Name: melanie abuel

    FB Name: melanie abuel

    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=147179702051541&id=100002785364462

    Twitter Username: ehmmjhey

    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/ehmmjhey/status/143873710330359808

  8. Name: Eloesita Valderama
    Email Address: atiseolevalderama@gmail.com
    GFC Name: Eloesita Valderama
    FB Name: Atiseole Valderama
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/eloesitavalderama/posts/106295156155145
    Twitter Username: LalaValderama
    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/LalaValderama/status/143755036760096768

  9. Name : Mary Jay Javier
    Email Address : maryjayjavier29@yahoo.com.ph
    GFC Name : maryjayjavier29
    FB Name : Mary Jay Javier
    Facebook Link : http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=203947183019676&id=100002131878230
    Twitter Username : maryjayjavier
    Tweet Link : https://twitter.com/#!/MaryJayJavier/status/144002420987535360
    Reblog Link : http://maja-ambisyosa.blogspot.com/2011/12/glimpse-of-ence-glimpse-of-ence.html

  10. Name: Felisa May Tan
    Email Address: felisatan07@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: Felisa ♥
    FB Name: Felisa May Tan
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/felisa.tan
    Twitter Username: @felisamay
    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/felisamay/status/144092752513220608

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Joining!

    Name: Ricalyn Sicad
    Email Address: ricalynsicad@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: Ricalyn Sicad
    FB Name: RiCalyn Sicad
    Facebook Link:http://www.facebook.com/ricalynsicad/posts/273898949324878
    Twitter Username: @rsicad
    Tweet Link:https://twitter.com/#!/rsicad/status/144410686603276289

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Name: Sheryll Dane Zamora
    Email Address: sdanezamora(at)gmail(dot)com
    GFC Name: beautiful*disgrace
    FB Name: Sheryll Dane Zamora
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/zdane813/posts/199046903514721
    Twitter Username (If you did steps 6 & 7): zdane813
    Tweet Link (If you did step 8): https://twitter.com/#!/zdane813/status/144413000105865217

  15. Name : Crystal Marie G. Cañete
    Email Address: dearcrysy@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: crystal marie canete
    FB Name: Cri-Cri Cañete
    Facebook Link : http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=135477579896198&id=100003018704573
    Twitter Username: tala cañete (@dearcrysy)
    Tweet Link : https://twitter.com/#!/dearcrysy/status/144429986466627584

    Email Address: senomarj@gmail.com
    GFC Name: Jay
    FB Name: Jhay Ramones
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/jhayramones/posts/335523049796544
    Twitter Username: jayramones
    Tweet Link: http://twitter.com/#!/jayramones/status/144560401319854080

  17. Name: Erlinda Sicad
    Email Address: erlindasicad@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: Erlinda Sicad
    FB Name: Erlinda Sicad
    Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lindasicad/posts/150056098431589
    Twitter Username: @erlindasicad
    Tweet Link:https://twitter.com/?lang=en&logged_out=1#!/erlindasicad/status/144774659760594944

  18. name: leo rances garcia
    email address: leyo.garcia28@gmail.com
    GFC NAME: leo garcia
    fb name: leo rances garcia
    fbpost link:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Clever-Bee/120320151415968?sk=wall#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=2169500331122&id=1655143708
    twitter name: leyo2809
    twitter post link:http://twitter.com/#!/leyo2809/status/144832670608793601

  19. Name Rachelle Therese F. Gonzales
    Email Address dimplesgon[at]yahoo[dot]com
    GFC Name Rachelle Therese F. Gonzales
    FB Name Rachelle Therese Felciano Gonzales
    Facebook Link http://www.facebook.com/dimplesgon/posts/10150533662791265

  20. Name : Liv Reyes

    Email Address: lyvtela[at]yahoo[dot]com

    GFC Name: Liv Reyes

    FB Name: Liv Reyes

    Facebook Link : https://www.facebook.com/tinkerputt/posts/10150632180963146

    Twitter Username: BlogCGiveaways

    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/BlogCGiveaways/status/147128590939586562

    Reblog Link: http://bloggiveaways.lcoreph.com/2011/12/glimpse-of-ence-christmas-giveaway-ends.html

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Name - Czaroma Roman
    Email Address - cza[dot]roman at yahoo dot com
    GFC Name - czaroma
    FB Name - Czaroma Roman
    Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/czaroma/posts/10150628585624008
    Twitter Username - czaroma
    Tweet Link - http://twitter.com/#!/czaroma/status/147134514215395329

  23. Name Merry Jane Ocol
    Email Address merryjaneocol@yahoo.com
    GFC Name merryjane ocol
    FB Name Merry Jane Carbungco Ocol
    Facebook Link



  24. Name: Jeniffer Gangan
    Email Address: jeny_gangan(at)yahoo(dot)com
    GFC Name: Jeny Gangan
    FB Name: Jeniffer Gangan
    Facebook Link:http://www.facebook.com/jeniffergangan/posts/321070467911352
    Twitter Username: JenyOnDBlock
    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/JenyOnDBlock/status/147039683405299712

  25. Name: Gessa Marie C
    Email Address: giza_violetpotion@yahoo.com.ph
    GFC Name: gessa marie
    FB Name: Gessa Marie Bartolaba Condino
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/ladiima/posts/217823998293834
    Twitter Username:@kenge19
    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/kenge19/status/147165570180202496

  26. Name: Niña Llagono

    Email Address: nina_llagono@yahoo.com

    GFC Name: nina l

    FB Name: niña llagono

    Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=245960432138291&id=100002695652209

    Twitter Username: ninsh05

    Tweet Link:

    Reblog Link:

  27. Name: Michelle Ame
    Email Address: michelle_ej08[at]yahoo[dot]com
    GFC Name: LadyMishel
    FB Name: Michelle Oraña-Ame
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/michelle.ame/posts/2825470396607
    Twitter Username: michelleame
    Tweet Link: http://twitter.com/#!/michelleame/status/147311456759713792

  28. Name: Shermaine Capuli
    Email Address: sherfriennds@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: Shermaine Capuli
    FB Name: Shermaine Dimla Capuli
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/shermaine7/posts/336814736344037
    Twitter Username: @Sherfriends
    Tweet Link:https://twitter.com/#!/Sherfriends/status/147323885518471168
    Reblog Link: http://sherfriends.tumblr.com/post/14262366472/a-glimpse-of-ence-christmas-giveaway

  29. Name: Lovely Joy Merced
    Email Address: bundlesofjoy(at)rocketmail(dot)com
    GFC Name: Joy Merced
    FB Name: Joy Merced
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/lovelyjoymerced/posts/245239558877185
    Twitter Username: @joyluck_614
    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/Joyluck_614/status/147532811526602752

  30. Name: Rainier Yabut
    Email Address: m1yage@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: Rainier Yabut
    FB Name: Rainier Yabut
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2256671424815&id=1489247347
    Twitter Username: m1yage
    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/m1yage/status/148408900893421568

  31. Name: Mirzi Sarte
    Email Address: mizi_heatherfield@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: mizi_heatherfield
    FB Name: Mizi Sarte
    Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150487624822612&id=785292611
    Twitter Username: mizichic
    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/mizichic/status/150558985525800960

  32. Name: Felisa May Tan
    Email Address: felisatan07@yahoo.com
    GFC Name: Felisa ♥
    FB Name: Felisa May Tan
    Facebook Link: http://www.facebook.com/felisa.tan/posts/2840943102687
    Twitter Username: @felisamay
    Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/#!/felisamay/status/144092752513220608

  33. Name Camille Quiambao
    Email Address quiamoi_tres@yahoo.com
    GFC Name notyourordinaryteacher
    FB Name vintagekawaii onlineshop
    Facebook Link https://www.facebook.com/vintagekawaii.onlineshop/posts/221959691213649
    Twitter Username @quiam
    Tweet Link http://twitter.com/#!/quiam/status/150778790778372096

  34. Giveaway closed. Thank you very much everyone for joning! :)
